Financial & Legal News

Oldham Business Awards Finalists

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We are finalists in the Supporting Young People category

We are delighted to have been shortlisted in the Supporting Young People category at the Oldham Business Awards, and we are looking forward to attending the Finalist event on Thursday, 10th August, at Mahdlo Youth Zone, where we will be able to meet fellow contenders and sponsors.

Round two of the awards is well underway as the Judges are busy visiting all the finalists before final decisions are made about the winners.

This week, it was our turn to meet the Judges responsible for our category:

  • Jamie Smith from Cornerstone Design & Marketing as the Oldham Business Awards Representative
  • James Ogborn from Get Oldham Working as Headline Sponsor
  • Marvin Smith from Oldham College as Category Sponsor

Criteria set by the Oldham Business Awards states:

The winning business will be able to demonstrate an on-going programme of providing young people (up to the age of 30) with career support. This can be through apprenticeships, or by providing work experience, to ultimately increase the skills and qualifications of the young people and providing excellent career pathways.

Organisations must be able to evidence how their support for young people has helped their business to develop.

Awards Ceremony

The main event takes place on Thursday, 22nd September 2023, at Queen Elizabeth Hall, Oldham, which will be a glitzy awards ceremony celebrating the talents of Oldham.

We wish all the finalists the very best, and we will see you on 10th August and again on 22nd September.

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Written by Joanne Ormston


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