Financial & Legal News

Compensation for hit and run accident

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When a boy was injured in a road traffic accident and the perpetrator drove away, we were able to secure a claim for him via the Motor Insurers’ Bureau.

In this case, the 13-year-old boy’s mother acted on his behalf as a litigation friend and worked with our Personal Injury Solicitors to secure him a compensation award of £2,500.00 for the injuries he sustained in the accident.

Hit-and-run accident

The young lad was a passenger in his mum's car whilst driving in Oldham when a second driver came out of a side street and hit their vehicle before driving off. The car’s airbags were deployed, and later the vehicle was written off due to the severe damage.  The boy sustained neck and shoulder injuries indicative of whiplash, a cut to his head, injured his wrist, suffered headaches and back pain following the accident. He was also uneasy when out and about in a car for a short period following the incident.

Motor Insurance Bureau claim

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and the other driver is either uninsured or flees the scene and is untraceable, all is not lost.  On many occasions, we have successfully progressed personal injury claims via the Motor Insurers’ Bureau, who, if satisfied that no fault lies with the Applicant, will admit liability for the accident on behalf of the untraced or uninsured driver.

Lisa Anderson, of the Personal Injury Department at Pearson said:

“When you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver or a driver who leaves the scene of an accident you can still pursue a claim for injuries and losses.”

“An application can be made to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau, which is a body set up by the Government to deal with victims of both untraced and uninsured drivers.”

“However, there are certain criteria that must be met, one of which is that the accident must be reported to the police within 24 hours as failure to do so could mean that an application to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau fails,” she added.

Accident with an uninsured driver

If you have been involved in an accident with an untraced or uninsured driver within the last three years but thought you could not make a claim for injuries and losses and you wish to discuss the possibility of making a claim, please give our personal injury solicitors a call.

It is useful to obtain photographic evidence of damage to vehicles as well as details of any witnesses as this will assist the Motor Insurers’ Bureau with their liability investigations and also corroborate the version of events presented to them in an application.

How can we help?

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident or a hit-and-run accident that wasn't your fault contact our personal injury lawyers on 0161 785 3500 or email

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